After years of personal and professional frustrations within the industry, Amanda decided to take matters into her own hands (literally) and in 2010, Sweet Mango was born! Being a small town kid from the Niagara region, Amanda noticed that sugaring was becoming wildly popular, and couldn’t believe that Toronto’s sugaring needs were not being met.
With nothing but support from friends, family, and her incredibly loyal clientele Sweet Mango, appropriately nicknamed the “Beaver Barber” set up shop in the heart of the city on Queen West directly across from the MUCH Music building. Becoming a staple of Toronto’s downtown core.
Sweet Mango celebrated 10 wonderful and unforgettable years in the city. Unfortunately during Covid, Amanda lost the Toronto shop but gained so much more with the birth of her two children and the chance to start over in a new town, Uxbridge ON. Those years, were the calm through the storm that Amanda will remember fondly. She is forever grateful for the relationships cultivated during that time.
After spending several exciting and fast paced years working away, Amanda has decided to return to her “roots” bringing that big-city expertise back to her hometown. Opening up shop at 6251 O’Neil street in Niagara Falls, Amanda couldn’t be more hundred to serve her community that she’s missed so much. Never straying from the original concept, Sweet Mango has always kept of creating a safe, welcoming environment ensuring every client feels comfortable and confident.
So which ever city you find yourself in, Sweet Mango is here to bring a touch of smoothness to your day.
Your friendly neighbourhood Beaver Barber